Missionary Group Medical Insurance

Missionary Group Travel Insurance

Missionary Group Travel Insurance - Short Term

Missionary group travel medical insurance is essential for groups of 5 or more missionaries traveling abroad for missionary work for a short duration. Missionaries often travel to remote or high-risk areas to help people, provide health care, and build schools or churches and other missionary work. Such areas may have a poor healthcare infrastructure, making it is extremely important for a group organizer to purchase a proper group travel medical insurance.

Missionary group travel insurance generally covers new medical conditions, injuries or accidents that may occur after the effective date of the policy. Additionally, it also provides emergency medical evacuation and repatriation of remains coverage, which can be extremely helpful if a missionary worker becomes seriously sick or is injured while working in a remote area. Evacuation coverage can transport the person to the nearest place where adequate care can be given. This coverage can make a difference between life and death in grave situations.

Missionary travel insurance additionally provides other benefits such as trip interruption, loss of checked luggage, and AD&D coverage.

Purchasing travel insurance for missionaries is simple, online and instant. There is no underwriting involved. You will receive your insurance ID card electronically at your email address within minutes after purchase.

Some missionary travel medical insurance plans also provide limited furlough coverage when the missionaries are traveling home between assignments abroad.

Outreach Group

Underwriter: SiriusPoint Specialty Insurance Corporation


After deductible, pays 90% to $5,000, then 100% to policy maximum.
Outside PPO network: After deductible, pays 80% to $5,000, then 100% to policy maximum.

Outside US: After deductible, pays 100% to policy maximum.
  • $500,000
  • $50,000
  • Included

Missionary Group Medical Insurance - Long Term

If you are a missionary organization that sends two or more missionaries abroad for a long term, you should consider purchasing missionary group medical insurance.

Once you complete the ‘Request for Proposal’, we would provide you with the proposal within a couple of business days. You enroll each member by completing an enrollment form per person, which can be different based on the group size such as 2 to 10 members, 11 to 24 members, or 25+ members.

Each member will get a separate insurance ID card and will be covered up to the chosen policy maximum. In addition to the medical, there are several dental plans to choose from.

Long Term Group Insurance

MP+ International

Underwriter: Sirius International


After deductible, pays pays 80% to $5,000, then 100% to policy maximum.
Outside PPO network, after deductible, pays 60% to $5,000, then 100% to policy maximum.

Medical Concierge Provider: After deductible, pays 85% to $5,000, then 100% to policy maximum.
Outside US: After deductible, pays 100% to policy maximum.

Direct Billing

  • Excluded

Plan Details